Squats Plus Challenge - CONGRATULATIONS!!
"Zippity Doo Da, Yippity Yay, You Finished Squats Until the End of May. Plenty of Sunshine Coming Your Way, Zippity Doo Da, Yippity Yay!!"
CONGRATULATIONS! Five weeks of squats complete!! Did you enjoy the challenge?
Let's recap your accomplishments:
Week 1: 90 squats
Week 2: 270 squats
Week 3: 300 squats
Week 4: 450 squats
Week 5: 480 squats
That's 1590 squats if you didn't PLUS the challenge!!! An average of 53 squats per day. I will be honest, this last week was tough, esp. using the mini-band as added resistance. Pat yourself on the back and stretch those glutes and hamstrings 😁
I do hope you enjoyed this. Please feel free to leave feedback in the comments below. I have enjoyed following your progress and cheering you on. If you completed even 1 more squat than you did last month you rock! Each and everyone of us is starting from a different place and has different goals. Establish your SMART goals and I will help you try to achieve them.
What's next? Get ready for the Triple A Challenge which will start on May 3. I'll be posting on my blog and in a Member's Only Forum. This will be fun so I hope you will take a peek on Saturday, May 2 when I post the goals for week 1.
Have a wonderful day!
