Triple A Challenge Days 26 & 27

Ok, secret confession. When I want a good belly laugh I will turn on "America's Funniest Home Videos". It is a program I remember watching with my family when we were kids and to this day it can still make me laugh out loud. I also love to find a YouTube video that highlights the antics of baby animals; there is nothing like a cute puppy or piglet to leave you in good spirits.
Finish up strong! It's been a long month of May (for many reasons) but you are doing great.
Triple A Challenge
50 Mountain Climbers
30 Curl and Press
20 Bench or Stair Triceps Dips or Press downs
20 Triceps Push Ups
30 Russian Twists (15 each side)
50 Plank Jacks with Mini Band
Attitude of Gratitude
Day 26 (Thursday): Attitude: Do something nice today for someone you care about.
Day 27 (Friday): Attitude: Have a Good Belly Laugh – do something that will make you laugh and leave you in positive spirits.
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Instagram: @WingmanDaphne
Twitter: @DaphneBascom