Three Days in the Life: Two Weeks Pre-Competition
"Just Do It"
"What the mind can conceive the body can achieve"
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
Below is a brief snapshot of 72 hours of my day in the weeks leading up to my next competition.
The mantras above have been used daily :-)

Tuesday, July 31
10:30 pm: Receive a good night text message from Mr. K. It's time to go to sleep!!
10:45 pm: Crawl into bed and ask Alexa to set an alarm for 4 am.
Wednesday, August 1
4 am: Wake up
4:30 am: Head to gym for leg workout.....yowza! #PRBreaker set up a program to help bring in my posterior chain. It has been a tough 8 weeks but I think his plan may be working! It is great to see the same people working out daily in the wee hours of the morning.
6:15 am: Head home to shower and get ready for the day
5:00 pm: Wrap up work for the day
5:30 pm: Head to gym for cardio
7:00 pm: Cook asparagus (fresh is best!) and eat dinner. Shower.
8:30 pm: Crawl into bed and ask Alexa to set an alarm for 2:15 am. Yes.....that was a hard one to get my head around. Night!
Thursday, August 2
2:05 am: Wake up and ask Alexa to shut off alarm. I don't know why I woke up but I did. I was not up every hour during the night. I slept very well.
2:30 am: Time to get on the step mill. I have allowed until 3:15 to do my cardio and a few resistance exercises.
3:05 am: Head to sauna for 5 minutes of relaxation then home to shower and pack my day bag.
4:30 am: Head to airport. Confirm with checklist on the inside of my door that I have not forgotten anything. I will be asleep before takeoff :)
4:00 pm: Head back to airport. Flight at 8:15 pm. Nibble on some fish and rice cakes. People are fascinated as they watch me pull baggies out of my computer bag.
8:15 pm: Boarding! Once again, I will be asleep before takeoff. Inflight go-go wifi not working :-( Ok, work a little, sleep a little. Can't stress over what I can't control.
10:00 pm: Home! Time to shower and prep for my Friday.
11:30 pm: Bed time!