Rising Strong

"Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light." ~~~ Brene Brown
Rising Strong. I think this is an appropriate phrase for how our nation will continue to recover from events of the past several months and for what we will encounter in the months ahead. I LOVE Brene Brown (big gal crush!). Why? I don't know who first introduced me to Brene Brown, but I remember having a very late night binge watching her TED talks. Her words speak to me and force me to ask hard questions of myself. I have read her books (sometimes more than once) and share them with leaders on my team. I wish I had learned some of these lessons years ago! Nonetheless, the time is now and I continue to listen and learn from her. Brene also has a podcast called "Unlocking Us" and I would encourage you to listen when you have time.
Links to great Brene Brown quotes
Today is a rest day but your Attitude of Gratitude challenge is to read some positive quotes from Brene Brown. If you are already a fan than you can review your favorites. If you are just discovering this incredible author then I am certain that you fill enjoy today's challenge.
Do you have a favorite Brene Brown quote (or two or three?). Please feel free to share them in the comments section below.