Over Fifty and Feeling Nifty

I remember a time when I used to think that anyone over fifty was "O-L-D". It's amazing how your perspective changes over time :-) I think that I feel stronger mentally and physically than I did when I was thirty. It is my hope to continue to feel this way as I move further into my fifth decade. I don't remember when I read Dara Torres' book "Age is Just a Number" but i can attest to the fact that this is true. I only hope that I can age as gracefully as Ernestine Shepherd. I only have one word for her .... amazing. I don't know if I will be stepping on the stage when I am in my 70s but you never know.....
I want to thank everyone for the wonderful gifts and the kind words I received on social media. I especially want to thank my team at the Y for being awesome and for treating me so well last night at McCormick & Schmicks (turtles....hmmmm). I need to thank my sister for sending me a t-shirt that truly captures the spirit of my "Wingman". I know my Mom and Dad were celebrating with me yesterday and my heart is full with their love and strength.
Never let your chronological age define the limits of what you can or cannot accomplish. Your strength of mind, body and spirit is limited only by what you believe you can achieve.
Sending you love and strength.