Road Warrior Fitness: Embassy Suites Hotel, Livonia MI
I am back at it again :-) Welcome to my Road Warrior Fitness Gym reviews. It's been a while and I have at least ten hotels in the queue to review. Please feel free to share your comments if you have trained at this facility or if you want to share your own Road Warrior Fitness Tips.
Overall Assessment: 14 out of 25
Accessibility: 3
Cleanliness: 3
Equipment: 3
Environment: 3
Nutrition: 2
Grading System (my own): 1 = Unacceptable, 2 = Marginal, 3 = Acceptable, 4 = Good, 5 = Excellent
Accessibility: 3
The gym is open 24 x 7 which is ideal for early risers and those that train late in the day. The facility is on the first floor by the pool and is easily accessible to all.
Cleanliness: 3
Overall the gym looks clean. However, there were NO gym wipes available, NO towels and NO hand sanitizer in the dispenser. Ick!
The floors were relatively clean (except behind the mirrors (yes, I looked when I was doing push-ups J)
Equipment: 3
I like Precor equipment so I think that was great. The machines, benches, balls, free weights were in good condition. The number of cardio machines was good for early morning but the facility likely could get busy at peak hours. There were only a limited number of benches for those using free weights, a limited number of mats for the floor but this may reflect the overall usage of the facility.
Environment: 3
The temperature in the facility was good. There were TVs on all of the machines. I already mentioned my issues with the availability of equipment to clean the machines so I won’t belabor that issue. There are no external windows but the lighting is adequate for a workout.
Nutrition: 2
There was some fruit and a water machine in the workout room so maybe I shouldn’t be harsh. Coffee is available in the dining area along with lemon water.
Exercise(s) Completed / Closing Comments
I did cardio and some body weight exercises today. Nothing fancy but felt great afterwards. The hotel gym at the Embassy Suites in Livonia, MI was good on the spectrum of hotel gyms that I have experienced over the years.