San Antonio Pro 2018: T-7
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Weigh in and things looking good. Send pics off to Derek Charlebois (#PRBreaker) and practice posing for a bit before heading to the gym.
Great leg and biceps workout. It's always easier to train after a few good hours of sleep.
A lovely young lady stopped me in the restroom at the gym to compliment me on my physique and to inquire if I was "natural". I reassured her that I was all natural :-) and encouraged her to continue to meet her goals to lose her "baby weight". I love helping to keep people motivated.
From the gym I ran home, showered (starting to prep skin for tan) and then off to get waxed. These are the things no one ever tells you about before you compete! My clinician was amazing and I was in and out in no time.
Time to eat and then off to see Mission Impossible. Great movie if you have not seen it; two thumbs up from us. Then time to sleep.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
I have to travel Monday and Tuesday so I need to plan my workouts and my meals. No real changes in my meal plan which is great. Derek has been awesome these past 8 months.
Gym. Store. Home. Meal prep. Pack.
In between I work, eat, do my laundry, clean. By about 430 pm I need a break so I head to the gym for my cardio and a few minutes in the sauna.....ahhhh.
After a long day early to bed....sort of.
Monday, August 6, 2018

Alexa wakes me up at 2:45 am. I pop out of bed, do my pushups and abs before heading down to the gym.
Shower. Dress. Pack meals. Off to airport. Hotel room ready early so I can put my food in the fridge (amen!).
My colleagues are wonderful. They accept my health choices and don't comment when I pull funny baggies of food out of my backpack. When one of them jokingly threatens to eat my rice cakes (I am only taking in 80 gm carbs a day) I give her the evil eye and we both laugh (however, I was not going to let a single morsel slip away!!). I pass on dinner with the team. I head to the hotel, finish off some conference calls, finish my cardio and then eat.
After getting up at 2:45 am I am exhausted. I roll into bed around 9:30pm
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
No Alexa in the hotel (hint, hint hotel chains.....) but my alarm goes off at 4am and I head down to the gym. It's not the best gym but it will suffice.
Tea. Shower. Pack. Head to office. Work. Back to airport to fly home. Sleep in my own bed....lovely.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Starting to really get excited. Today is a combination of work and prep. I squeeze in meetings until 2 pm then I run to Nail Stop salon. The ladies at Nail Stop are always so welcoming and warm. I work on my laptop while getting my pedi and then get my first ever pink and white dip. A little mani/pedi is good for the soul.
Home. Work. Cardio. Shower. Bed.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Today is my last day of weights. I head to the gym around 430 am and complete a full-body workout. I'm feeling a little fatigued so I don't push too hard. 3 sets of 12 does the job.

I am kind of off from work today. Kind of. I have meetings in the morning and then head over to look at my new apartment building (more in the future....yes, I am moving). From there it's back to work. Did I say that I had the day off? Ok, not so much.
Home. Pack. Cardio. Posing Practice. Eat. Shower.
I check Derek's recommendations for my Comp Day meals vs. what I have on my packing checklist. Good to go.
Time to go to bed. Another early morning cardio session before my flight.
Friday, August 10, 2018
Happy Birthday to me!! Fifty-two (52) years young. No time to celebrate I have things to do.
Cardio. Shower. Pack. Run to airport. The great thing about in-flight wifi is the ability to be connected and get some work done. I head to the hotel, put my food in the fridge and settle in to get some work done.
4 pm: time to shower and then head to competitor meeting
5 pm: I love seeing all of the competitors and picking up my number. Woo hoo! I made it.
7 pm: tan time.
9 pm: Bed. Early morning tomorrow for touch up and makeup. Excited to hit the stage tomorrow. Am I expecting to win? No. I won the minute I stepped on the plane to San Antonio. The hardest part of the journey was getting here. Being a competitor is not easy. I know I have been grumpy, irritable, no fun (meaning I stuck to my meal plan religiously) and focused. Mr K. has been wonderfully understanding for the past 8 months and for that I am eternally grateful. The same with my friends and colleagues. I am blessed to have the support to make it to this point in my journey. I also realize that I am mentally and physically stronger than I had ever thought.
© Wingman Wellness, 2018