FLEXible Friday
It's FLEX FRIDAY! I meant to post this last week while I was traveling but I did not have time to put fingers to keyboard until the weekend. Rather than using this Flex Friday to talk about flexing our hard earned muscle, let's chat about being flexible with your workouts.

I don't know about you, but I plan my workout for the following week each Friday night or Saturday (yes, I am boring!). The most important part of my planning is balancing life and work with my workouts. Last week I knew that I would be in a hotel on Friday so I moved Back day to Thursday and planned a cardio workout for Friday. We all have our favorite cardio routines. My hotel was not in a location conducive to safely running on the streets (no sidewalks) so I headed down to the fitness room. Two positive findings right away: 1) they had sani-wipes (yeah!!) and 2) the A/C was adjustable. That is all I needed .... that along with my body weight and my jump rope.

I know it seems like I have been beating this drum for years but the truth is that all you need for a great workout, anywhere, is your mind focused on the task ahead and your creativity. You have to be flexible with both your routine and the time. Five minutes is better than no minutes. Five push-ups is better than none.
I keep a jump rope and an exercise band in my suitcase at all times. Neither takes up much room and if you need space you can easily stuff these in a pair of shoes or sneakers. I had a great 30 min workout on Friday morning. Jumping rope, push-ups,, running on the treadmill....I was a sweaty, hot mess and ready to start my day by 6 am.
What's my point? Be flexible, be consistent, be focused and your Flex Fridays will be fab.