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Plant Powered Physique - Peak Week Part II

The saga continues!! I really enjoy peak week. It’s a time to focus and I enjoy watching the final changes in my physique. Stressful? Yes! However, by this time most of the hard work has been invested and now is the time to enjoy. This is a long post mainly because I wanted to share some of the details that people always ask about. As you will see below I am very much a creature of habit in all things.

Day 4: Tuesday, October 22

3:30 am - wake up, take Synthroid, morning gratitude, jump out of bed

4:00 am - head to Gym for cardio & resistance training

6:00 am - head home to prep for the day, jump on scale for daily weigh in

7:00 am - off to work

7:00 pm – posing practice in my apartment

9:00 pm – time for bed!

Nutrition – increase water, otherwise no changes.

Day 3: Wednesday, October 23

3:30 am - wake up, take Synthroid, morning gratitude, jump out of bed

4:00 am - head to Gym for cardio & last day of resistance training

6:00 am - head home to prep for the day, jump on scale for daily weigh in

7:00 am - off to work

5:00 pm – time to run and get my nails done (fingers and toes). There are few things more relaxing than a pedicure.

7:00 pm – posing practice in my apartment

9:00 pm – time for bed!

Nutrition – increase water otherwise no changes.

Day 2: Thursday, October 24

3:30 am - wake up, take Synthroid, morning gratitude, jump out of bed

4:00 am - head to Gym for cardio only.

6:00 am - head home to prep for the day, jump on scale for daily weigh in

7:00 am – join a few conference calls for work

12:00 pm – pack!! I have a competition packing list that I have been using for the past 5 or 6 years. I also repack my suitcase right after each competition. This is partly my OCD but also because I live in an apartment and keeping everything in the suitcase is an efficient use of space. I go over the list a few times to make sure I have not forgotten anything.

7:00 pm – posing practice in my apartment

9:00 pm – time for bed!

Nutrition – keep drinking. Add a little Dandelion root (natural diuretic). Otherwise no changes.

Day 1: Friday, October 25

3:30 am - wake up, take Synthroid, weigh-in. My weight is UP?!?!? Don’t panic, DAB, all will be well. Stick with the program. I send a quick note to Coach Hope.

4:00 am - head to the airport

12:30 pm – arrive in Baltimore. My hotel room is not ready ☹. Yes, I am not happy. I decide to walk across the street to another hotel where I book a room and head upstairs. Setting up my bed, unpacking food, doing a little work; all much better than sitting in a hotel lobby.

4:00 pm – Competitor check in. I get my number, it’s #72. I see some friends from past competitions and it’s wonderful to catch up.

6:00 pm – Tan time. Chilly!!!

6:30 pm – I stop by to meet some of my fab Bombshell sisters. Shout out to the ladies who were in Baltimore with me. You are both beautiful inside and out.

7:00 pm – Back in the hotel I pose for another 15 min and then put on my jammies. I am in bed listening to a PCRM podcast and asleep before Mr. K calls at 8:30 pm.

Nutrition – no change from Thursday. Cut the dandelion root.

Day 0: Saturday, October 26 – SHOW DAY!!!

By this time, I am so excited to be here it’s unbelievable. All the hard work is over. Now is the time to have fun.

5:30 am – wake up and get ready for the day

6:30 am – hair and makeup time. I no longer do my own hair and makeup. It is not my forte as anyone who sees me everyday will attest. The onsite team does a wonderful job! I get to wear my beautiful suit by MJWear. It fits like a glove and I don't need any bikini bite.

8:30 am – head to venue. Good grief!! Not long after I arrive, they start calling my first class?!?!? Oy! Time to pump up, put on my shoes, touch up my tan and get ready to hit the stage.

The rest of the morning was a blur. The Baltimore Pro was one of the best run shows in which I have ever competed. It was organized, clear and they treated the athletes extremely well. Thank you so much for your patience, kindness and to goodie bag! I competed in both the figure and bikini divisions; a total of 6 classes (3 age groups in each). Since I was there and prepped it made sense to enjoy myself and as much stage time as possible. I consider time on stage as an opportunity to learn. It is also a chance to review, post competition, photos that compare me against a wide variety of physiques. I honestly can’t recall the call outs. It was a blur of onstage and offstage and onstage again. My posing is not the best. That has always been one of my weak points but that means it is also an opportunity to improve in the future.

After the last class ends, I head back to the hotel for a bite to eat and to lie down with my feet elevated. Finals starts at 3 pm so it’s only a 2-hour nap but it felt good. I forgot that posing is a real workout.

The night show is for the audience and I love that part of the competition. Without my glasses on I can’t see a darn thing, but you can sense the energy in the room, and it feeds those of us onstage. We want to put on a good show for everyone who came to the venue to visit.

So, the outcome? Better than I could ever have anticipated. I placed 2nd in the bikini over 50 class and 4th in the bikini over 35 class. Woo hoo! I had not expected to place at all so this was a very moving outcome. I can’t thank Hope Gonzalez, my Bombshell Coach, enough for helping me get on stage in great form for an “old lady” 😊 The Bombshell Team did not blink when I told them I was plant-based and all of my prep supported my lifestyle and beliefs. I also did not have to do any magical nutritional changes during peak week. We did make a few changes (which we learned from and will store those outcomes for the future) but otherwise it was smooth sailing. I also must thank Mr. K. It was a long year for him too and he was always supportive of my efforts despite the impact on our lives and sometimes on our relationship.

Post show I did not have a big cheat meal. I watched some of my Bombshell sisters compete and then ambled back to my hotel. I finished up the food I had brought from home along with some clean snacks (Basmati rice, peanut butter, Ezekiel bread, Alpha Chickn Strips, yumm!). I have learned over the years that a binge post show does not agree with me. I pack up my gear since I have a 7 am flight the next morning. After chatting with Mr K I crawl into bed and reflect on the past 6 months. I can’t explain why I love this sport, but I do. It’s me against me always. I enjoy pushing myself in the gym. I really enjoyed watching how my body responded to the training on plant-based nutrition plan. All the “bro-science” I have believed for the past decade has been thrown out the window. I feel great, I recover well, and I am hopefully making a positive impact on the planet.

What’s next? A brief rest and then back to the gym 😊 It’s improvement season!

#plantpoweredphysique #plantpoweredathlete #wingmanwellness #plantpowered #plantbasednutrition #figurecompetition #bikinicompetition #bombshellfitness #bombshell # mjwear
