2 min

Best Challenge Ever

Thank you for joining us for the 12 Days of Fitness. Over the next 12 days your rock star personal trainers from the YMCA of Greater Kansas City will be leading you through a series of exercises that are designed to work your upper body, lower body and core. Each day one of the trainers will demonstrate the exercise for the day. Your job will be to perform that exercise using good form along with the exercises from the prior days. On day 1 you’ll do 1 exercise, day 6 you will complete 6 exercises and on day 12 you’ll do at least one set of all 12 exercises. We know you can do it!

If you have a smart phone, please download the YMCA app from the Google Play or Apple Store end enter the 12 Days of Fitness Challenge. The names of everyone completing the challenge using the app will be placed in a random drawing for a Wahoo Fitness TICKR X Heart Rate Monitor.

All you need to join us for this challenge is a safe space with a mat, a towel, a bottle of water, a timer and whatever device you use to follow us on Facebook, YouTube or Instagram. No equipment needed except YOU!!! Please make sure that you have approval from your health care provider before starting the 12 Days of Fitness or any physical activity program. Go at your own pace and remember form is more important than speed.

Are you ready to join the 12 Days of Fitness Challenge? If you want to watch my candid and slightly bumbly introductory video you can find it here. Otherwise, check back tomorrow morning to my blog or to the website for the YMCA of Greater Kansas City and you can start the week with a smile.

We look forward to reading your comments and feedback over the next 12 days. Thank you for joining us and let’s get started with the 12 Days of Fitness Challenge!!

Link to the Challenge Introductory video: https://youtu.be/-Vwvg-GgNXY

Paste this link into a web browser to review the introductory video.
