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Consistency Post: May 20, 2023

Meals, Movement, Mindset, Sleep (3MS)

🙏 Today, I am grateful for the opportunity to be a coach with VSA.

😄 The highlight of my day was attending a 21-Day Kickstart Class at GreenFare. It is fun to be with a group excited to learn more about plant-based nutrition and wellness.

💪🏾 My movement win of the day was a good run. I planned to run a mile as my first run since getting a chest cold. I ended up running 4+ miles. My legs felt good. My head felt good. My chest cold is still present, but another few nights of good sleep and I know I will have it under control.

🌱 My nutrition win of the day was yumm yumm yumm! Meal prep day is so much fun! I prepped 3 pounds of tofu, chopped up veggies for my salads, made a fresh jar of salad dressing…..I honestly feel so relaxed after spending time in the kitchen.

🤗 My mindset/motivation win of the day was the amazing energy, excitement and peace I felt watching Mikey’s video this morning.

😴 Sleep time last night was 7 hours 5 minutes.

#VeganSuperhero #TheVeganGym #ChooseYourHard
