2 min

The Gift

I attended the most uplifting, heartwarming 50th birthday celebration yesterday for my friend Dr. Michelle Robin. Michelle is the founder and owner of Your Wellness Connection in Kansas City, KS. Those of you reading this who attended the celebration will agree that it was an incredible testament to the impact that Michelle has on the lives of those she touches. While it is hard to find a gift for someone who seems to have everything, the table at the back of the room was laden with gifts from those of us who strive to thank Michelle for who she is and all she does.

The afternoon started with a song in tribute to Michelle. We enjoyed good food, a wonderful slide show, many shared stories about how Michelle has been a positive influence in their lives and we ended with a toast. It was a wonderful celebration with a group of wonderful women.

While we all left gifts for Michelle, in her own wonderful way she also provides each of us with a gift. Michelle provided each of her guests with a copy of John O'Leary's book "On Fire". I love to read and so you can imagine that I couldn't wait to crack the cover of the book (yes, a real, physical book!!). This morning while listening to Oprah's Super Soul Sunday I read the Introduction and Chapter 1 of the book.

And I cried.

As I dried the tears and listened to Joel Osteen and Oprah discuss the power of "I Am" I reflected on why I was crying.

It was a powerful opening.

It reminded me of my parents and how they raised me to be strong, to stand on my own and who helped me become the woman I am today.

It reminded me that the two people in the world who loved me unconditionally are no longer here everyday to "give me strength".

It reminded me that I have the power to choose the manner in which I live my life.

The quote on my home page is from the Introduction to the book. I'm going to try to read a chapter a week until I finish the book. If the Introduction and Chapter 1 are any reflection on the messages to follow I had better purchase some more Kleenex.

Michelle, I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Thank you for the gift of YOU.
